W(H)iny Workshops

W{H}iny Workshops are perfect for dipping your toe into craft, crafting alongside other wonderful like-minded creatives, spending time with a girlfriends, or making some time for yourself.

Every month these workshops teach you a technique to be able to gain confidence in order to go home and create magic with your own craft. You can choose if you want to take the {H} out of the Whine and bring along a drink, or leave the {H} in and use the workshop to talk about your woes.

Each workshop includes:
– all supplies to make the project
– Hot Chocolate and Dessert (cake/biscuits)
– Fun, Friendship & Laughter

**BYO wine/drinks (if you wish) โ€“ wine glasses will be provided**

You get to go home with a finished project that you can use in your home decor

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