Our milk paint is hand made using artist grade, quality ingredients.
Milk paint is non toxic, zero VOC, safe to use in food prep areas, safe for toys and children's furniture, water wash up and has no nasty paint fumes.
The amount and quality of the pigment we use in our paint means you will have beautiful, rich colour in your painted pieces which is also resistant to fading.
Using milk paint allows you to achieve that rustic, chippy look that is so popular in farmhouse and country/coastal style decor. The natural colour variances in your milk painted finish also adds extra unique charm to every piece you paint.
If you like a more solid, less distressed finish this can still be achieved by doing a little extra prep and adding a bonding agent like B.S.B into you paint.
Milk paint dries quickly, is self levelling, is easy to sand, and accepts a variety of finishes. All this makes it great for the beginner or the time poor DIY enthusiast.
It's also a great home decor tool for the budget conscious (and who isn't?) as a little bit goes a long, long way.
A small bag of milk paint powder weighs 170gm and makes between 400-500mls and covers approx 4.5m2. This is basically enough to do either a small dresser or chest of drawers, or two small bedsides.
Our large size weighs 340gm and makes between 850-1000ml depending on how thick you like your paint. This will cover approx. 10m2 and be enough to do a bed frame, 2 bedsides and small dresser or a dining table and 6 chairs for example.
Detailed mixing instructions and pictures can be found on the blog on our home page, but the basics are…
~ Work out how much paint you think you may need. 1/4 cup will make about 130ml. This is a good, easy amount to mix.
~ Mix equal parts powder with hot water, adding water slowly to powder Stir well to combine. If still too thick, add a little more water in small increments until you have your desired consistency.
~ Let the paint stand for up to 20 minutes before you use it. This allows the pigment to penetrate though the liquid and the paint will become thicker as it stands. Give it another stir before you start.
~ Made up paint will last for a few hours without a lid , and maybe a little longer with a lid, weather depending. You can use a screw top jar and store any unusedย paint on the door of the fridge overnight. Youย may need to add more water and let it come backย to room temp. before you start.
That's it. You're ready to go! Now go create your masterpiece…
Happy Painting.
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