B.S.B (Birds Special Bond) | The Vintage Bird


Bird’s Special Bond (B.S.B) is an amazing 3 in 1 product . It's a bonding agent that adds surface tack to help with adhesion of paint on tricky surfaces (or if you are a bit lazy like me and too impatient to sand gloss surfaces back!) You only need a small amount to make a…


Bird’s Special Bond (B.S.B) is an amazing 3 in 1 product . It's a bonding agent that adds surface tack to help with adhesion of paint on tricky surfaces (or if you are a bit lazy like me and too impatient to sand gloss surfaces back!) You only need a small amount to make a difference. Use in 3 ways: 

  • Add straight into your Vintage Bird mineral or milk paint – 1 part B.S.B to 4 parts paint. Stir in well and continue as normal. B.S.B is designed to dry clear, so won't effect the colour of your paint. Usually only required for first with your first coat, depending on the surface. 
  • Paint your clean surface with a coat of BSB before you paint, just like you would with a primer. It will dry semi-opaque & provide a seal between your original surface and your painted finish. Great for when you want a stain blocker, or to paint on shiny surfaces like glass, ceramics & highly polished varnish. 
  • The third amazing thing about our BSB… you can use it to seal your small pieces. It will dry to a hard, water resistant, matt & clear finish. 

Comes in two sizes:

  • 120ml for small projects such as painting glass jars and is the perfect size to order with your milk paint sample size. 
  • 500ml which is enough for a large project and lots of medium sized furniture pieces. 

**No free shipping on Clearance Items**


120ml, 500ml